
June 5, 2020

Invited Lecture at Mason Online Pandemic Modeling Forum

Prof. Inoue was invited to Mason Online Pandemic Modeling Forum, and had a presentation, titled “The propagation of the economic impact through supply chains: The case of a mega-city lockdown against the spread of COVID-19”.  Prof. Inoue was honored to be directly invited by Prof. Robert Axtell, a leading figure in his field. posted by...

Paper was Published on The Japanese Economic Review

Prof. Inoue’s paper, coauthored by Prof. Iino from Niigata University, Prof. Saito and Prof. Todo from Waseda University, was published on The Japanese Economic Review. This research with using world patent data, reveals what kind of network is behind when firms make more valuable inventions or contrivances, by using econometric way. You can access to...