Prof. Inoue was invited to cross-cutting workshop of economy and society, held by The Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS), and gave a lecture titled “Prediction of Economic Impact Corresponding to Prevention Measure of COVID-19”. Prof. Inoue commented that many participants actively discussed the topic, so that it was a great workshop. posted by Emiri
At an academic conference named “Network Science Society Conference 2020 in Rome”, Prof. Inoue read a paper titiled “The Economic Effect of the Restriction by Japanese Government under COVID-19”. The online conference is still unfamiliar him, but he commented that he is accommodating himself to it as the situation will not soon allow face-to-face international...
The paper comprehensively examined how the shock of disasters and economic crises propagates through loan relationships between the bank and the firm and business transaction in Japan. The model used in the paper was based on his current model and was expanded by adding actual loan relationships. The paper was coauthored his team’s previous postdoc,...
Prof. Inoue was adopted to the Area-Cultivation Program for the Advanced Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research, carried by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.This program is aimed for further promotion of humanities and social sciences by conducting interdisciplinary research, social contribution, international joint research and so forth. This program will be conducted for...
As reported previously, Prof. Inoue have been researched the impact when economic activities are restricted to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Tokyo. He published the previous researches as an academic paper on PLOS ONE. You can access the full version from the link below. The propagation of economic impacts through supply chains: The case...
Prof. Inoue discovered the economic complexity of each prefecture in Japan, by using a technique that calculates laterality of goods and services and diversity of firms simultaneously based on comprehensive firms data and information of goods and services produced. The paper was coauthored by his team’s previous postdoc, Dr. Chakraborty and Prof. Fujiwara in graduate...
To facilitate research activities of ongoing research and interaction more, Prof. Inoue became a visiting researcher of RIKEN, the largest comprehensive scientific research institution in Japan.Prof. Inoue’s large-scale economic simulation has been supported by a group led by Nobuyasu Ito belonging RIKEN. He commented that this will bring a lot of merits including use of...
Prof. Inoue was asked to analysis research about economic influences of disasters such as COVID-19 or Nankai megathrust earthquakes on each prefecture and Kansai (Western Japan) economic zone, by Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute. Using this sponsorship, Prof. Inoue employed a new worker for data preparation, simulation and the like. posted by Emiri
On 19th August, 2020, TV Asahi News (ANN) covered , in its news, an economic forecast when 23 Wards of Tokyo moves into lockdown due to COVID-19. It also mentioned about the ongoing large-scale simulation by using Fugaku, one of the world’s top supercomputers operated by RIKEN. posted by Emiri