A paper written by Prof. Inoue was published on COVID ECONOMICS printed by CEPR.
The title of the paper is “The Impact of Supply-Chain Networks on Interactions Between the Anti-COVID-19 Lockdowns in Different Regions”, under joint authorship with Yosuke Murase, a researcher of Riken, and Yasuyuki Todo, a professor at Waseda University.
It discusses how self-quarantine due to COVID-19 influenced Japanese economy; how it differs from situations in other countries; how each prefecture reacts to deregulation of self-quarantine; how the counterbalance among prefectures be controlled.

Covid Economics
Covid Economics, Vetted and Real-Time Papers, launched at the end of March 2020, is a free online CEPR publication. It has been created to quickly disseminate fast-rising scholarly work on the Covid-19 epidemic. Alongside VoxEU, which presents short analyses on the epidemic and other economic issues…

posted by Emiri