The Role of Face-to-face Contact in Innovation: The Evidence from the Spanish Flu Pandemic in Japan
INOUE Hiroyasu (University of Hyogo) / NAKAJIMA Kentaro (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / OKAZAKI Tetsuji (Faculty Fellow, RIETI) / SAITO Yukiko (Senior Fellow (Specially Appointed), RIETI)
この研究は、スペイン風邪の時期においてDifference In Differenceの手法を使い、スペイン風邪により共同出願の活動がどのように阻害されたかを丁寧に明らかにしたものです。

RIETI – The Role of Face-to-face Contact in Innovation: The Evidence from the Spanish Flu Pandemic in Japan
This paper is on Innovation and Knowledge spillovers. In order to make public as quickly as possible the results of theoretical research and policy analysis, discussion papers will be posted on our web site. We hope that this will stimulate further discussion on matters of policy and policy research…